Multiple sclerosis (MS)
past life regression therapy, muscular dystrophy (MD),Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors, migraine headaches, epilepsy, autism, Asperger syndrome, ALS, Cancer, HIV, Ebola, Leukemia

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Multiple Sclerosis:  A Past Life Attack Of The Mind
By Dr. Thomas Paul, Founder of Past Life Therapy Center®

A 35-year-old man with early onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) discovers the emotional reinforcement of his physical challenges by regressing to his past lives with Past Life Therapy Center’s De-Hypnosis Method. After Jack provided written consent to distribute his case study anonymously, I was compelled to share his case study summary. His past life regressions are relatable to anyone who is suffering from mind-body ailments or so-called medical mysteries.

Jack’s recurring symptoms often include:

1. Numbness of his hands.
2. Migraine headaches.
3. Difficulty closing his fists.
4. Fatigue.
5. Stress.
6. Tension in his back and shoulders.
7. Sexual issues.
8. Proclivity for drug usage.
9. Double and/or blurry vision.
10. Severe depression.


Jack is desperate for answers, which he emphasizes during his intake interview. Although he’s receiving symptom management treatment with prescribed drugs from his medical doctor, he wants to know if there is a karmic or spiritual reason for his recent diagnosis. He fears his condition may worsen, making him handicapped or dependent on others for his survival.

An initial assessment about his history was taken to better understand his physical issues and prioritize his emotional concerns. He mentions being raised by a father who was an abusive and alcoholic person struggling to find himself. He characterizes his mother as someone unable to cope with life.

Because souls unconsciously choose their parents to continue and complete whatever is unfinished during their past lifetimes, Past Life Therapy sessions start by learning about a person’s beginnings in this lifetime. These details are usually similar to how one may describe their past lives or deaths prior to their present reincarnation. Below is an abbreviated transcript (containing adult content) with elements of the Past Life Therapy Center® De-Hypnosis Method, which is exclusively practiced by its founder, Dr. Thomas Paul.  (Note: In most cases, therapy sessions can be conducted by phone/Skype; however, the segment below is from Jack’s personal visit to PLTC’s Los Angeles location.)

Dr. Thomas Paul (TP): “What do you know about your parents’ life situation during your conception, prenatal and birth?”

Jack (J): “I can’t remember my parents ever getting along. I was probably conceived in an alcohol-infused rape, knowing my father.”

TP: “What was your childhood like?”

J:  “A mess. My childhood was essentially my father calling me a piece of shit. His explosive temper could be provoked by anything. He would sometimes hit me in the head while degrading me.”

Jack continues to discuss his upbringing as one that involved his parents fighting about everything, especially money and employment. Jack’s exposure to various drugs and violence at different times of his conception/prenatal period has triggered unresolved confusion, which may emotionally reinforce multiple sclerosis, or any affliction.

Jack also stated that religious beliefs indoctrinated by his parents and community had served to perpetuate fears and contradictions about life and death. His father, in particular, has contributed to Jack’s bouts with low self-esteem and self-doubt throughout his life. His parents’ unresolved issues and actions have confused him, but this is as nature has intended for anyone who hasn’t yet resolved their past lives. As Jack’s therapy continues, he soon acknowledges his unconscious attractions to those that would hamper his sense of security, for they matched the unresolved, unconscious scripts within his past-life self.

TP: “How do you feel your life is today because of your childhood?”

J: “I feel unprotected, even today.”

Jack informs me that he keeps a baseball bat in the trunk of his car. Although he’s an avid sports fan and has played baseball recreationally in the past, he admits possessing it to be used as a possible weapon of defense.

As a therapist, I’m always paying attention to body language and one’s choice of words and expressions. Moreover, I listen carefully to the way a person describes their frustrations, which are indicative of the problems a person has experienced in their past lifetimes too.

TP: “Who is the first person that comes to your mind that you felt unsafe around?”

J: “My father.”

TP: “What are the strongest emotions you feel towards him today?”

J: “Anger.”

The interview continues for about 90 minutes. After gathering enough pertinent information, Jack is instructed to close his eyes and sit back in his reclining chair.

TP: “You mentioned that your current symptoms are occasional numbness in your palms and difficulty clutching your fingers together. Do the best you can to make a fist. If you could muster all the anger in your mind-body and direct it towards your father, what would you like to do with that fist?”

J: “I’d beat him with my hands.”

Jack makes fists with both hands.

TP: “Direct this anger in your hands at its unconscious source to examine and resolve the root of this rage. Speak the first words coming from your fists as if they could talk, or quote the first words someone may say that would provoke anger in you or a need to protect yourself.”

J: “You’re a piece of shit. I hate you!”

TP: “Is this exclamation by you or someone speaking to you?”

J: “A man is yelling at me.”

TP: “Repeat his words multiple times until the next thoughts come from him or you.”

J: “You’re a piece of shit. I hate you! Die! I wish you were never born. Go to hell! Rot in hell, mother f’er! I hope this kills you. I’m going to gouge your eyes out. I’ll drive my blade through your eyes. I’m going to f’ing choke you and beat your head in!”

Jack had revealed earlier that he is experiencing double vision, which is being emotionally reinforced by “gouge your eyes out.” He also stated during his interview that he was choked as a young boy trying to protect someone else who was being choked. It’s a reminder to him that getting involved in someone else’s battles or confusion can cause him to be a victim too.

TP: “Keep repeating his next words as you connect his thoughts with your body. What is the first part of your body that feels these words?”

J: “My head and eyes, though I’m protecting them with my shaking hands as I lie here on the ground.”

TP: “Your hands may be going numb from shock. Continue to hear and speak his words.”

Jack decides to lay on the floor to re-enact and connect more intensely this man’s words to the effects it has on his body.

J: “I want to beat you. I just want to beat you until you stop moving. Stay dead. Don’t get up. Lay there. F’ing bleed to death and go away. I’m going to beat you and keep beating you. This won’t stop! Stop breathing! Die!”

Jack tells me that he’s being bludgeoned violently with a large club or pipe. He can feel pressure in his head and eyes as he curls into a fetal position on the floor, bracing the blows to his head with his hands. He’s encouraged by me to keep hearing the voices reinforcing this discomfort.

Jack is now saying, “Drown in your guilt. Drown in f’ing shame. You’re shameful. You’re a worthless piece of shit. Die!”

Jack notices how these tirades are similar to his father’s in this lifetime. The soul’s unconscious attracts similar scripts to match that which is unresolved from past lives.

TP: “Jack, does this man’s blows to your head kill you? Yes or no?”

J: “Yes. He attacks me with a pipe. He beats me constantly with such rage. He wants me to never move again, let alone exist.”

TP: “Jack, what happens if this MS diagnosis you received by your medical doctors gets worse?”

J: “I won’t be able to move. I won’t be able to feel. I won’t be able to see. I won’t be able to live as I know it.”

TP: “Isn’t that exactly what this man wanted?”

J: “Yes.”

TP: “So who or what is the culprit attacking your head? MS or this man?”

J: “This man. He is attacking me with unbridled, deep hate for something he claims that I deserve.”

Jack becomes aware of how he’s unconsciously and emotionally recreating physical symptoms of his past-life beating through this enraged man’s perpetual attack on his brain, which may be reinforcing his MS. He is then guided to re-experience his past-life death to temporarily release this pain and confusion in his body. Afterwards, he’ll be instructed to go back into his body and finally direct this misdirected anger where it belongs in order for him to release unconsciously motivated pain and confusion.

TP: “Re-experience your death. What is the first part of your body that shuts down? Then continue the death process.”

J: “I’m collapsed on the ground as I’ve lost my balance and vision. I feel sudden stiffness and numbness in my limbs. Now, I can’t move or defend myself. My organs and body parts begin to stop functioning [All of which are early signs of MS].”

TP: “It’s very important that you release the last words that you’re recording as you’re dying. What are these last thoughts coming from him or you?”

J: “He says, ‘That’s what you get for f’ing with me and ruining my life. This is what happens when you f’ck with me. This is what happens when you touch my wife. My life is ruined now and your life will always be ruined too.’”

Jack loses sensation in his hands and legs. He can feel his head but only in pieces as it’s smashed into bits near his dying body. He then states that his heart, lungs and brain begin to shut down.

J: “I can’t breathe. I can’t move. I can’t feel. I’m dead.”

TP: “What do you feel out of the body?”

J: “Amazing. I’m free of this confusion. His thoughts have been eating me alive, just like MS.”

TP: “And who has reinforced this emotional confusion in this lifetime?”

J: “Without a doubt, my father − a man who beat me often and called me a piece of shit, just like this man did in my past life.”

TP: “Go back into the body and finish this experience. This is where you can now say and do what you didn’t do then. This is the part where you get yourself back. Where you literally put your brain back together and acknowledge your right to exist.”

Jack reluctantly connects back to the body. He begins to feel fear again. I repeat all of the angry thoughts that his perpetrator beat into his skull.

J: “Stop it. You can’t do this. You’re the one who deserves to die, not me. I didn’t do anything wrong. You wife hates and fears you. You don’t own her or me. You can’t kill me for touching your wife. You can’t beat me like this anymore and tell me that I must suffer forever.”

TP: “Jack, get the feeling back in your body, especially your head, hands and legs which have been failing you. Get up off the floor now. Stand up to this man.”

Jack is hesitant to do anything. I ask permission to apply pressure to the area of his head and eyes, which were bashed. He agrees. Often physical pressure applied with the exact thoughts he mentioned earlier in the session will trigger him to finally release unconscious confusion. I encourage him to grasp my forearms and fight back as I remind him that I’m not the victimizer. I inform him that my voice represents a benign therapist enabling him to re-enact this trauma and release it. Jack fights back.

J: “I want to attack you until you stop moving! I want to beat you until you’re numb in all parts of your body and can’t move! You stay dead. You stop breathing and die. You drown in your own guilt. You can’t beat me anymore. You bullied me since I was a little child.”

TP: “Jack, who bullied you since you were a little child?”

J: “My father.”

TP: “Jack, continue to direct this anger at the past-life attacker. This is where the cycle of abuse is rooted for now.”

Jack continues to apply pressure on my wrists and gets up. “You’re a piece of shit! I’m not confused, you are. This is about you. You’re responsible for your pain, not me. I didn’t ruin your life. You ruined your own life and will no longer ruin mine. I don’t deserve to die for consensual sex. I don’t deserve to suffer forever for this.”

TP: “Jack, if this man were no longer attacking your mind and body, what can you do?”

J: “I can move. I can feel my hands. I can see clearly. I can walk. I can breathe. I can think. I can live without being tortured by any man, including my father.”

TP: “What physical symptoms would you no longer need to feel and be alive?”

J: “I don’t need to feel beaten, in pain, and confused to know I’m still alive. I don’t have to feel worthless or degraded to know I exist. I don’t have to be in a state of shock or numbness awaiting to be attacked.”

TP: “Do you now know the unconscious reason for keeping a bat in your trunk as a weapon?”

Jack connects being beaten to death by a man’s metal weapon with the bat he unconsciously felt would be necessary to defend himself against an unknown perpetrator. I encourage clients to know that flight or fight is equally okay in resolving trauma. Jack chooses to fight and imagined beating to death the man that killed him. This ended the trauma in his mind and begins the process of releasing karma and confusion from his mind-body. He also acknowledged that his father was threatened by his relationship with his mother, though it wasn’t sexual in nature. His father represents the insecurities of his past-life attacker. Jack unconsciously attracted a father that would play out jealousy, pain and degradation, for the need to experience this wasn’t resolved before he died.

J: “My headache has gone away. I feel empowered and conscious of myself. I release myself from this past-life man’s confusion. I release myself from my father’s confusion. I’m free of this now. MS doesn’t have to attack my myelin sheath. I can touch a woman that wants me to touch her. I don’t need to manifest sexual problems to keep me from being beaten by a jealous man.”

Jack left his first intensive session with a greater understanding of his unconscious attraction to abuse and the past-life attacks to his mind and body. He is planning follow-up visits that will further address other unconscious states reinforcing confusion, including prenatal/birth experiences and any surgeries. A brief re-working of his birth suggested unconscious contracts of victimization with his parents. For his father, the unconscious agreement was “I’ll agree to let you be born, if I can control you.” Jack’s unconscious response to this karmic bond was “I’ll agree to be born to this father because he’ll hurt me.”

When Jack was asked to compare his spinal tap procedure (a medical test he received to confirm his multiple sclerosis diagnosis), he connected his hospital experience to his past-life death. He was in a similar fetal position feeling vulnerable, scared and confused. He felt pain from the syringe injecting him. He felt the expected and severe headaches after the testing, which reactivated past-life memories of fear and helplessness.

Jack recognizes that his numbing hands, or MS, represent the hands that got him killed. If he can’t feel his hands, then he would be less likely to touch someone’s wife and be killed for it. His hands have been carrying out survival commands to “not feel” in order to “stay alive.”

When working with people who have developed brain tumors, or show symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, autism or Asperger syndrome, they usually recall severe head trauma from present and/or past lives. Their past life regressions often reveal survival-scripts from chaotic deaths, whereby they unconsciously “want to forget” it happened or were told to “forget everything.” By releasing these unconscious commands, they can locate the emotional solution that will enable their psychological and physical healing. For those committed to resolving confusion with Past Life Therapy, they learn that remembering and releasing emotionally charged traumas is a major component for wellness.

Supplemental Information about MS

(Please consult a medical doctor for more information and treatment options, but be aware that the unconscious mind is the source of confusion which can be released with Past Life Therapy Center’s De-Hypnosis Method.)

MS is a mind-body disease that instructs your immune system to attack your brain, spinal cord and optic nerves, destroying protective layers and eventually the nerves themselves. MS symptoms may include: stabbing pains, sexual problems, vision issues, fatigue, difficulty with concentration, loss of balance, weakness in limb(s), numbness, tingling sensations, speech problems, stiffness in limbs, difficulty with waking and/or talking, bowel/bladder complications, muscle spasms, dizziness, etc.

Some people have one or more MS symptoms, that happen once or infrequently, while others have worsening or multiple symptoms over time.


According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) is still unknown – scientists believe the disease is triggered by as-yet-unidentified environmental factor(s) in a person who is genetically predisposed to respond. (MS) involves an immune-mediated process in which an abnormal response of the body’s immune system is directed against the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. The exact antigen — or target that the immune cells are sensitized to attack — remains unknown, which is why MS is considered by many experts to be "immune-mediated" rather than "autoimmune."

Within the CNS, the immune system attacks myelin — the fatty substance that surrounds and insulates the nerve fibers — as well as the nerve fibers themselves. The damaged myelin forms scar tissue (sclerosis), which gives the disease its name. When any part of the myelin sheath or nerve fiber is damaged or destroyed, nerve impulses traveling to and from the brain and spinal cord are distorted or interrupted, producing a wide variety of symptoms.

In multiple sclerosis (MS), damage to the myelin coating around the nerve fibers in the central nervous system (CNS) and to the nerve fibers themselves interferes with the transmission of nerve signals between the brain, spinal cord and the rest of the body. Disrupted nerve signals cause the symptoms of MS, which vary from one person to another and over time for any given individual, depending on where the damage occurs.


In compliance with federal law, PLTC does not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure diseases. PLTC’s alternative/healing arts therapy encourages emotional resolution of current problems at their unconscious sources; this may include past lives, prenatal-birth (rebirthing) experiences, present-life traumas, surgeries, etc. The PLTC De-Hypnosis Method provides a uniquely thorough form of past life regression, hypnotherapy and hypnosis for enabling clients to overcome health, personal and career challenges. A belief in reincarnation, karma or spirituality isn’t necessary for this therapeutic process to be effective.

Copyright © 2004-2023 Past Life Regression Center | Dr. Thomas Paul  All rights reserved.

Schedule an Appointment
Dr. Thomas Paul, founder of Past Life Therapy Center®, practices past life regression primarily in Los Angeles, CA, though he can be retained worldwide via travel, phone, or Skype (teleconferencing sessions are an effective alternative to in-person sessions and deliver exceptional results). The PLTC De-Hypnosis Method is available exclusively at Past Life Therapy Center®. You can learn more about the world’s most empowering therapy to heal your mind-body by reading our FAQ page and Past Lives Therapy at our bookstore.
If you know someone that may be interested in Past Life Therapy, please forward this newsletter. A belief in reincarnation or spirituality isn't necessary for PLTC's process to effectively enable a healthy mind-body.

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