
Past Life Regression Center®
Welcome To Past Life Regression Center! Most clients book our flexible promotional therapy package (3 to 4 sessions valid for up to four months from your start date and includes the required intake interview.) Phone sessions are available on weekdays and weekends, including late evening phone/Skype sessions up to 10 PM Pacific Standard Time. In-office past life regression Los Angeles, CA sessions are available most weekdays from 10 AM to 6 PM (start times between 10 AM and 2 PM) and weekends or evenings upon request. Contact us after subscribing if you can't find a suitable time at our booking service, and Dr. Thomas Paul will try to accommodate you. Start here.
Past Life Regression Center (PLRC) provides the world's most effective therapy. Past life regression therapy enables one to resolve virtually any health, relationship, or career issue via the unconscious mind using our de-hypnosis therapy methods.
Therapy with Dr. Thomas Paul results in the emotional resolution of past events for mind-body alignment without recreational or pharmaceutical drugs, which most clients abandon as sessions progress with guidance from their medical doctor when necessary. Dr. Paul is not an MD; his credentials are DCH (Doctorate of Clinical Hypnotherapy) utilizing the preferred De-Hypnosis modality for more comprehensive results. 25% of PLRC clients are licensed medical doctors whose therapy experience with Dr. Paul has helped them immensely with their spiritual journey and patients due to a newfound consciousness, purpose, and focus after private past-life regression therapy appointments. After every session, you'll feel healthier and happier. You will manifest a purposeful and enjoyable life without chronic depression (sadness), anxiety, fear, or pain.
Read Past Lives Therapy by Dr. Paul and Dr. Netherton. Learn about the root (emotional) cause of "dis-eases," such as cancer, which connect to one's unresolved history of trauma and confusion within the unconscious mind.
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Book Now with Dr. Thomas Paul Appointments are available by phone or Skype/Zoom. Regardless of your spiritual views or beliefs on reincarnation, Past Lives Therapy with Dr. Thomas Paul works for everyone willing to explore and resolve confusion from their mind's history. Anyone can be de-hypnotized. It's an easy, exciting, and effective therapy process.
Dr. Thomas Paul, clinical hypnotherapist, past life therapist, and founder of Past Life Regression Center, is a leading expert in past life regression therapy with 19 years of clinical experience. He's a highly skilled therapist specializing in past life regression therapy utilizing de-hypnosis, unlike traditional hypnosis/hypnotherapy (or psychotherapy), which may not work long-term.
The Past Life Regression Center® De-Hypnosis Method resolves past life, prenatal/birth, and surgical experiences that unconsciously contribute to present mind-body challenges, including disorders, weight struggles, and addictions.
Most therapists from various healing arts and mental health professions haven't mastered how the unconscious mind works with the body or the corresponding effects of leaving one's mind in an unresolved condition. If they achieve any results for their clients, they are short-lived using dated modalities.
Dr. Thomas Paul is a wellness facilitator who enables individuals to easily and quickly access and resolve the unconscious roots of challenges, whereas most therapies only scratch the surface. For lasting change, comprehensive de-hypnosis rectifies trapped or repressed states of confusion, including present and past life traumas and prenatal/birth or surgical experiences. Because Dr. Thomas Paul is very efficient, therapy fees are reasonable, especially considering the everlasting transformations it will provide within a short period.
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Past Life Therapy (PLT) provides clients with access to a full knowledge (consciousness) of who they are, what drives them internally, and what is debilitating their health, career, or personal goals. PLT permits self-healing by reexamining and resolving the original causes of ailments and problems contained within the unconscious mind. PLT sessions are client centered; the client will reveal and "spiritually complete" unresolved, past experiences and survival/birth scripts with guidance. Note: Regression into past lives isn't as complicated as it may seem. It's the method a past life therapist implements to resolve issues that will cause therapeutic, long-term results. This separates entertainment-based "past life regression" from clinical Past Lives Therapy. The Past Life Regression Center® De-Hypnosis Method is available exclusively at Past Life Regression Center with Dr. Thomas Paul.
Past Life Therapy was pioneered by Dr. Morris Netherton, who wrote the first published book on the subject, Past Lives Therapy (William Morrow, New York, 1978). Morris Netherton, Ph.D. successfully practiced Past Life Therapy for 50 years prior to his retirement. Dr. Morris Netherton's effective methods have been continued by Dr. Thomas Paul at the Past Life Regression Center® (PLRC), which has enhanced the lives of numerous individuals who had attempted other therapies with unsatisfactory results. Most traditional/alternative therapies, including many types of regression and hypnotherapy, fail to examine or fully connect past-life and other unconscious sources to present-life issues.
The Past Life Regression Center's hypnotherapy, hypnosis, and regressions services utilize De-Hypnosis, which is a "focused state" that allows a client to release unconscious confusion while still being able to remember what was revealed and completed during the session. De-hypnosis allows a client to "playback" any experiences recorded by the unconscious mind during past lives, states of shock or trauma, prenatal periods, and surgeries, which could be creating a negative impact on one's health and prosperity. It is not like many conventional therapies, which are therapist-centered and rely on someone to "tell you what to do." These conventional approaches do not address the unconscious mind and its survival-based motivations or pre-existing traumatic experiences, which remain as unresolved, confusing incidents until resolved.
(Frequently Viewed Pages: Schedule/Contact, FAQ, Case Studies, About Dr.Thomas Paul, Bookstore)
Past Life Therapy (PLT) will broaden a person's consciousness and overall awareness. Its goal is to establish mental, physical, and spiritual alignment, which will encourage a balanced, healthy state of being. PLT stimulates the development of one's intuition, and clients report feeling more focused, creative, productive, and fully present in their daily life; they also experience an internally supported confidence, inner peace, and resolution of "karmically" entwined relationships (PLRC article: What Is Karma?). Furthermore, many mind-body-related issues are resolved for clients who complete the PLT process, as it promotes closure and spiritual healing at its source.

We are already hypnotized, programmed, and conditioned from previous lives and from prenatal/birth experiences, surgeries, and incidents throughout our adult life. Hypnosis, or preferably self-guided de-hypnosis, is a technique used to uncover and resolve the unconscious source of one's challenges or negative patterns. Clinical hypnosis is performed in a variety of ways depending on a therapist's training. Hypnotherapy and/or "traditional past life regressions" (such as those popularized by Many Lives Many Masters counselor Brian Weiss) are another form of suggestive therapy lacking a clinical structure for optimum results. Furthermore, the unconscious mind will eventually reject suggestions if the core issues (unconscious scripts) aren't thoroughly resolved with skilled integration of one's past lives to one's present-life ailments and concerns.
Dr. Thomas Paul doesn't use suggestive therapy, traditional regression therapy, or past life readings, which are generally conducted for entertainment rather than therapeutic value. He also doesn't utilize the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) various therapists practice or neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which is conscious manipulation or, as its title implies, "programming." In contrast, Past Life Therapy involves complete resolution of unresolved past experiences (UPE) without the use of program tapes, behavioral modifications, spirit guides, gurus, biofeedback, or "adult babysitting."
The Past Life Regression Center® De-Hypnosis Method is efficient at achieving desired results since it is not bound by finite, traditional boundaries that only focus on this lifetime for the source of one's problems. PLRC resolves unconsciously motivated patterns or scripts at the root and creates a positive shift in how one feels, processes, and lives life. The basis of virtually any mental or physical issue can stem from an unresolved past-life experience, with its traumas and scripts directing one unconsciously.
Past life regression therapy with Dr. Paul will reveal the true beginnings of one's victim-victimizer patterns and permanently resolve karma. These karmic cycles of victimization are survival based. They originate from prehistoric times to modern day battlefields motivated by basic human survival and fear of death.

How Many Session Are Needed For Results?
Many people are unconsciously influenced by unresolved shock and trauma, which can reinforce anxiety (generalized or sexual), depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, weight problems, and drug or smoking addiction. These unconscious events create patterns that can manifest both physical and emotional effects similar or identical to what was experienced in previous lifetimes. The confusion created during unresolved experiences prevents people from living a healthy life, as they constantly struggle to complete these dynamics and gain clarity in their everyday living. When healing occurs at the past-life source or root of confusion, life changes dramatically, since wellness and purpose become the natural motivating factor to live and thrive.
PastLifeTherapyCenter.com and PastLifeRegression.com contains anonymous case studies, newsletter archives, and excerpts from Dr. Morris Netherton's "Strangers In The Land Of Confusion" for review. You may also want to read Dr. Thomas Paul's book outline PLT for Resolution and Evolution, and the Past Life Therapy F.A.Q. page, which is a highly recommended resource for further insight, or contact him directly for a consultation. In addition, please subscribe to the PLRC Newsletters and visit the PLRC Bookstore.
PLRC's version of past life regression therapy can benefit anyone, even if you may not be consciously aware of specific problems in your life. With every therapy session, you will become conscious of what you need to finish. You will become a more confident, clear-thinking individual who is fully present and capable of sounder sleep at the end of your day. The resolution obtained from Past Life Therapy will allow you to attract people and circumstances that serve your continual evolution as you actualize your worthiness and command a happier, healthier, more enjoyable life experience.
Thomas Paul, DCH, Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy, C.Ht., Certified Hypnotherapist, M.C.P.L.T., Master Clinical Past Life Therapist/Regressionist (studied with Dr. Morris Netherton, PhD), and Founder of Past Life Regression Center. Dr. Paul is not a licensed physician or medical doctor. There is no state licensing body for past life regression; however, Dr. Thomas Paul has extensive training (6+ years) with Dr. Netherton (1935-2020), and over 20 years of successful clinical experience.
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CA Senate Bill 577, effective January 1, 2003; Protection for Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practitioners (And Clients)
In compliance with federal law, PLRC does not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure diseases. PLRC’s alternative/healing arts therapy encourages the emotional resolution of current problems at their unconscious sources; this may include past lives, prenatal/birth (rebirthing) experiences, present-life traumas, surgeries, etc. The PLRC De-Hypnosis Method provides a uniquely thorough form of past life regression, hypnotherapy, and hypnosis, enabling clients to overcome health, personal, and career challenges. A belief in reincarnation, karma or spirituality isn’t necessary for this therapeutic process to be effective.
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