Hypnosis Myths
Past life regression therapy
Hypnosis & De-Hypnosis Defined & Debunked of Common Myths:
Your mind consists of two major parts: the conscious and the unconscious (sometimes called the subconscious). Although most people believe that they are in conscious control of their lives, it is the unconscious mind that actually rules. You can think of the unconscious mind as a kind of computer. If you have a "program" running, it will continue to run until changed or resolved. When the conscious and unconscious minds are in conflict, the unconscious will prevail every time. In many ways you are already hypnotized or conditioned by your past lives, prenatal/birth, upbringing, and any surgeries (e.g. circumcision, abortions, plastic surgery), states of shock, etc.
- Hypnosis or more specifically de-hypnosis, will allow your unconscious mind to align with your conscious goals. Past Life Therapy Center® De-Hypnosis Method enables resolution of the past by eliminating negative, survival-based unconscious scripts and victim-victimizer unresolved experiences. It's not about forgetting traumas or painful memories; it's about finishing or resolving them via the mind. PLTC De-Hypnosis Method will bring about change that is permanent. and entails de-hypnotizing rather than using hypnotizing techniques. Willpower or suggestive therapy has minimal effect on the unconscious long-term. This is why so many people fail at losing weight and stopping smoking with other approaches or traditional hypnosis. Past Life Therapy utilizing de-hypnosis succeeds because it allows complete resolution of unresolved experiences currently affecting any behavioral and physical problems.
- Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness that with skillful guidance can be used productively. Objectively, it involves moving the brain-wave activity down from wide-awake (Beta) to that area half-way between being asleep and awake (Alpha and Theta). Subjectively, it involves narrowing down the focus of attention to one thing and redirecting the critical mind temporarily while disabling normal filters.
- Bright, creative, flexible people seem to make the best subjects. However, almost anyone can be de-hypnotized given a willingness to participate. From a therapeutic perspective, de-hypnosis can be used to add something to a person's life, remove something from it, or release a person from binding fears so that he may express his true self.
- Some people mistakenly think that hypnosis is not safe. That is false assumption. Hypnosis is a normal state of consciousness. Unfortunately, few people make good use of it on their own. You go in and out of hypnotic states several times each day. Some common places you experience natural hypnosis are while riding in or driving an automobile, while watching TV or a movie, and while daydreaming. In reality, we are always in a hypnotic state with unconscious, past-life programming directing and affecting our daily lives.
- Some people mistakenly think that a hypnotist can control them. That is false. The client is always in control and suggestive therapy is never used during the Netherton-Paul Past Life Therapy/PLTC De-Hypnosis Method. You can talk and communicate while in deep hypnosis. You can even laugh if something strikes you as funny.
- Some people mistakenly think that they might not "wake up." That is false. Hypnosis is not a "sleep state," so there is nothing to "wake up" from. You are four- or five-times more aware (focused) than in your normal state of mind during hypnotherapy. If need be, you would immediately remove the relaxation from your body and return to normal awareness.
- Some people mistakenly think that they cannot be hypnotized. That is false. Everyone capable of understanding is capable of being hypnotized. However, hypnosis is a 100% cooperative effort, so you can always choose not to go into hypnosis. It is always your choice to go deeper into de-hypnosis or 'focused-state.'
- Some people mistakenly think that they lose consciousness when hypnotized. That is false. Consciousness is heightened during hypnosis. You will be even more aware of what is going on. Your body may appear to be asleep, but your mind will be much more alert than normal. Imagination, concentration and memory all dramatically improve while in hypnosis.
- Some people mistakenly think that a hypnotist can make them do bad things that they would not normally do. That is false. Any suggestion that violates any strongly held feeling, moral, ethical or religious belief will be automatically rejected by both your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. Only you can resolve a belief system that needs to be changed to create a shift in your awareness and behaviors to create well-being.

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